Fried Oysters


24 large oysters, shucked
2 eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
Dash ground cayenne pepper, optional
2 tbsp cold water
1 cup fine dry bread crumbs


Drain oysters. Beat eggs with salt and pepper and cayenne. Whisk in water. Put bread crumbs in a shallow bowl. Dip oysters, one at a time, into the egg mixture then into the bread crumbs. Let rest for 5 minutes before frying. Fry in hot deep oil at about 375 degrees until golden brown. Serve immediately with cocktail sauce or tartar sauce, or use in sandwiches.

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Please support a good cause! Join American Cancer Society volunteers, bivalve enthusiasts, and supporters as we Shuck Cancer Coast 2 Coast on Sat., Sept. 12,…

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